Children’s Justice Center
Ending the stigma and creating a universe of support for child abuse survivors.

The Solution
We directed and produced two video PSAs, which featured prominent child abuse survivors in the Utah community and local civic and business leaders, highlighting the services of CJCs and the SHINE message to create a community of support for child abuse survivors. The PSAs were prominently featured on local television and digital platforms while the campaign was complemented with billboards around the state. As both PSAs were shot during the COVID-19 pandemic, our team implemented procedures protecting the safety of all crew and talent including outdoor and remote filming locations and physical distancing.
The Challenge
There are 25 Children’s Justice Centers throughout Utah that handle more than 7,200 cases of child abuse per year. The reality is, there are even more children who could benefit from the crucial services CJCs provide such as medical care, mental health counseling and advocacy services.
We teamed up with Utah’s CJCs, the Attorney General’s office who administers their services, and the SHINE campaign to ensure all of Utah is aware of the available resources while helping to end the stigma around child abuse and uplift survivors.
39 million digital impressions from 127 different Utah cities.
1.1 million billboard views in 88 unique locations.
The Results
From Logan to St. George and Salt Lake to Vernal, this campaign reached residents from every part of Utah to educate them on the life-changing resources the Children Justice Centers provide and demonstrate that child abuse survivors are capable of healing and living successful lives. During the first year of the campaign, digital ads garnered more than 39 million impressions, driving users from 127 different Utah cities to the landing page. The video PSA attracted over 1.1 million views while billboards, installed in 88 locations throughout Utah, resulted in millions of more impressions.
Utah’s CJCs have already helped so many children and their families, and we were lucky enough to help spread the word to make sure every child who needs help is able to benefit from their services.